Diabetes, Panic Attacks, and the Unpredictable Wine Adventure

Diabetes, Panic Attacks, and the Unpredictable Wine Adventure

Join me on a journey of unexpected anxiety as I face panic attacks in my mid-30s, exploring their connection to diabetes and the unpredictability of life. Dive into the adventure of a ‘simple’ wine plan turned complex, and the challenges of managing diabetes while maintaining spontaneity. Discover how I cope and find support in the face of life’s sweet, yet challenging moments.

Living with Diabetes

Living with Diabetes

Discover the unique analogy of diabetes as a child, a constant presence in one’s life, bringing challenges, anxieties, and unending care. This heartfelt account explores the emotional and financial burdens of living with diabetes, the constant fear it brings, and the hope that sustains me through this journey of managing a chronic condition

Advocating for Yourself

Advocating for Yourself

Join me on my frustrating journey with a negligent doctor as I experience mysterious weight loss, overwhelming fatigue, and shocking medical neglect. Discover the importance of self-advocacy, the challenges of navigating healthcare, and the gender disparities that often leave women’s symptoms dismissed. This personal account sheds light on the need for thorough patient listening and understanding in medical care.